Where did Themodshop.net go?

Over the years the site has been subject to various attacks and exploits with minimal to no updates. Recently there was one that overwrote some files and to be honest it has just become more than I have time currently to contend with. I have backups of all the data and at some point may restore it in a read-only legacy site. However for now the site will redirect here and may eventually be revived into something new and better!

That site was the first one TLD I ever registered way back in 2005 and has been through many revisions and transitions over the past close to 20 years and is a very important part of my history and story however things must continue to evolve and change and this may be another one of those evolution’s.

Everything is fine

Me the past week trying to recover data from the website

Over the past few days (or has it been couple weeks) I have been attempting to recover everything I could from my crashed database server.

After a bunch of bashing my head on my desk. A new updated server (with more up to date operating system) and some help from a fantastic hosting company who has been there for me for a very long time (WSWD.NET) I now have everything back online!

Now…back to your regularly scheduled random updates.